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Sketch of Tibetan New Year
2006-05-09 00:00

Driving out evil spirits

December 29 in Tibetan calendar marks a traditional day for driving out evil spirits. A Tibetan family will have a rich and jolly dinner, and then, host will walk around all the corners in the house with torch saying "go away, go away". The torch and food for prepared evil will be thrown to the crossroad that means whammy in the New Year is driven out.

Praying a New Year call

Farmers in rural Lhasa will visit each other for praying for the New Year on the first day of Tibetan New Year. The visit team will centralize in the respectable elder's house finally, and then toast to each other, sing and dance together to spend New Year.

Sacrificing to divinity

It's a good day for sacrificing house god on the second day in Tibetan calendar, and sacrificing mountain god on the third day. Tibetans will put sallows hanging with colourful sutra streamers on the house roofs or mountaintops, to pray for a safe and smooth New Year.

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