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Procedures for Certification of Documents issued by Chinese Notary Offices
2006-04-12 00:00

1, 由当地涉外公证处出具中英文公证书.

Prepare certification issued or other documents certified by Chinese local notary offices(in Chinese and English)

2, 上述公证书送外交部领事司认证.

Certification of the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China



CITS(China International Travel Service), Dongjiaominxiang 11, Tel: 65593748

*长虹桥代理处,东交民巷13号,Tel: 65265278(140元,3天可以取)

Changhongqiao Agency, Dongjiaominxiang 13, tel: 65265278

3, 将经领事司认证的公证书送拉脱维亚驻华使馆认证.

Certification of the Embassy of Latvia in China

领事Consul:DANA,朝阳区嘉林路甲1号嘉林花园71号别墅,Tel: 64333863, Fax: 64333810


Then the document is valid in Latvia

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